This LibGuide contains resources to support students at Morling College to understand and employ the conventions of academic writing appropriate to graduate and post-graduate levels of study in the faculties of Education, and Counselling, Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care, utilising the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition publication style.
Topics |
Description |
Anthropomorphism | Avoiding the pitfalls of anthropomorphism |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Artificial Intelligence and AI-generated text |
Assignment Genre | There are different types of assignments |
Assignment Question | Understanding the assignment question is a key skill in academic writing |
Conducting a Literature Search | Identifying scholarly literature and how to find it |
Epigraphs | Stand-alone quotations |
Paragraphs | Structure of a paragraph |
Plagiarism | Understanding plagiarism and self-plagiarism |
Pronouns | When to write in the first person |
Publication Style | The APA 7 publication style |
Referencing | Link to the Referencing LibGuide |
Reporting Verbs | Expand your vocabulary of reporting verbs |
Verb Tense | Use past tense when reporting research (e.g. writing a literature review) |
Which vs that | Guidance on when to use which or that |
Workflow | Workflow for assignments, academic writing, and research |