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Resources to support Morling College Counselling, Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care, and Education students to understand and employ the conventions of academic writing appropriate to graduate and post-graduate levels of study.

Academic Writing for Education and CCSC Students

Academic Writing

This LibGuide contains resources to support students at Morling College to understand and employ the conventions of academic writing appropriate to graduate and post-graduate levels of study in the faculties of Education, and Counselling, Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care, utilising the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition publication style. 




Anthropomorphism Avoiding the pitfalls of anthropomorphism
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Artificial Intelligence and AI-generated text
Assignment Genre There are different types of assignments
Assignment Question Understanding the assignment question is a key skill in academic writing
Conducting a Literature Search Identifying scholarly literature and how to find it
Epigraphs Stand-alone quotations
Paragraphs Structure of a paragraph
Plagiarism Understanding plagiarism and self-plagiarism
Pronouns When to write in the first person
Publication Style The APA 7 publication style
Referencing Link to the Referencing LibGuide
Reporting Verbs Expand your vocabulary of reporting verbs
Verb Tense Use past tense when reporting research (e.g. writing a literature review)
Which vs that Guidance on when to use which or that
Workflow Workflow for assignments, academic writing, and research
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