The work you produce at college will usually involve the important ideas, writings and discoveries of different theologians, historians or people in mininstry. These contributions must be acknowledged by referencing (citations). Quoting, paraphrasing and summarising allow you to demonstrate your understanding and interpretation of a text, and are powerful tools for reshaping information to suit the many writing tasks that will be required of you.
Source: UNSW Australia. "Paraphrasing, Summarising and Quoting. Last modified: January 15, 2015.
The two links below take you to Morling LibGuides which guide you in using APA and Chicago referencing.
This short video provides a good overview on the importance of referencing.
This short video explains different citation styles. Remember, students in Education and Counselling subjects MUST use the APA styles. Students in Bible & Theology subjects MUST use Chicago-17 style.
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